Welcome to My Blog!
Welcome. to Terry Young's Blog!
If you have followed us for long, you know that I had a pretty good blog while we were missionaries in Russia back in the 90's and 2000's. I have since wanted to reinstate another blog after Russia but couldn't exactly do that.
Since that time, we have done a great deal of work in South East Asia and several other continents. We now live in Tirana, Albania, which is a European country though also a former Communist one. Albania maintained their independence from regimes such as Yugoslavia and the former Soviet Union. Now, Albania is a completely independent, though developing nation.
Terry & Terri Young - Missionary/Teachers Living in Albania
Social Media
We are, of course, on Social Media. Our FaceBook is simply T-N-T Ministries; Instagram tntministriesinternational; Twitter: @tntmissions or you can email us at: tnt@tntmissions.org
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Let me say again, thank you for checking out our new blog. Welcome! I will write about what my latest thoughts are, share from my books or share insights from our experiences among the nations and offer lucid teachings on relevant matters.
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